Gary Knight

United States; Photojournalist, co-founder & director of the VII Photo Agency; co-director of the VII Foundation

Gary is an award-winning photographer and a co-founder and director of the VII Photo Agency. He is also the co-director of the VII Foundation and director and founder of the VII Academy. Gary is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Frontline Club, London; co-founder of The GroundTruth Project, Boston; founding director of the Program for Narrative & Documentary Practice at the Institute for Global Leadership at Tufts University; twice chair and president of the World Press Photo Award; was a Nieman Fellow at Harvard University in 2009; and a Logan Non Fiction Fellow at the Carey Institute in 2017. He was a contract photographer for Newsweek in the 1990’s and 2000’s. Gary has worked as a photographer all over the world since the late 1980’s, early in his career in conflict photography, and more recently with an increased focus on anthropology and socioeconomics.

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