Rodrigo Rubido Alonso
Rodrigo Rubido Alonso is an architect with more than 20 years of experience in designing and facilitating methods and processes for collective learning and action. Alonso is the executive director of Instituto Elos, a nonprofit based in Santos, Brazil. Established in 1995, Instituto Elos was created when five architects, including Alonso, came together to create a multidisciplinary community focused on improving society. The institute is dedicated to facilitating methods for collective learning and action to help create a better world.
The way Alonso sees it, diversity is the planet’s greatest source of wealth. In his vision for a better world, companies and communities, adults and children, governments and civil society work, coexist, live side by side and offer their best. This belief is reflected in their staff, which is comprised of people from across experiences and professional disciplines. As part of his work, Instituto Elos launched two programs: Warriors Without Weapons, (Guerreiros Sem Armas) and the Oasis Game. Their Warriors Without Weapons program is a one-year course for changemakers that receives applications from hundreds of global leaders looking to gain insights into complex problem-solving. The Oasis Game engages players, challenging them to define their dreams and design solutions to make them a reality. The game has been applied in more than 50 countries. Learn more